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National T-Shirt Design Contest
The AWSC hopes that this T-shirt project will bring awareness to the history of the American Water Spaniel.
We also hope it will encourage those who live in the New London area to join club members at the 2025 National Specialty & Hunt Tests.
Working with Principal Ann Pinch was a pleasure. She was very supportive of this project.
These are the designs created by students at the New London Intermediate/Middle School.
The students were in the 7th & 8th grades and are from 11 to 13 years old.
The designs were selected by the staff at the school.
(Please note that some edits may be required in order for the winning design to be used.)
Please select the design you want to see on the National's T-shirt and send your vote to Kimberly Lukehart at: secretary@americanwaterspanielclub.com no later than March 24, 2025. Each AWSC member may vote once.
The secretary will tally the votes and we will announce the winning design.
The t-shirt will also include the “Club logo”, "40th Anniversary", "National Specialty & Hunt Test", "New London, WI", and “August 13-17, 2025”.

National Specialty
Hunt Test
The American Water Spaniel Club would like to announce that the 2025 National Specialty & Hunt Tests will be held in New London, WI on August 13-17th. The host hotel will be the Cobblestone Inn & Suites.
175 Waupaca St. Clintonville, WI (715) 823-2000
Room rates (pre-tax) will be $130 for the Aug. 13th & 14th & $160 for Aug. 15th & 16th.
There will be a $25 +tax per room dog fee.

Nationals Events
-Take a trip down memory lane -
The American Water Spaniel Club, Inc.
National AKC Parent Club
Committed to preserving, improving and demonstrating the fine qualities and attributes of the American Water Spaniel (AWS) breed. Dedicated to helping individuals learn more about breeding, raising, care, and training of American Water Spaniels